Sorted by date Results 51 - 75 of 147
Even during a pandemic, Hollywood must carry on. The film franchise considers the possibility that we are all living in a franchise. Video from the filming of the Matrix IV, has emerged on Twitter. It shows two men dangling on wires as they tussle over downtown San Francisco. The film industry has of course, been heavily impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
What do you do if you're say, Saudi Royal Family and you get stuck in LA's Covid Lockdowns? You check into the Oceana Hotel is on Ocean Avenue just south of Montana Ave, and stay for a couple months. A repurposed apartment building, Oceana Hotel has rooms that start at $1000 a night, and go up to a modest $4000 a night. It is about half occupied longer term, with the very wealthy. Many of them unable to travel due to Coronavirus. And now it is under new management. "LXR Hotels & Resorts, Hil...
Someone in Japan thought of a Cat Cafe: A place where you could go have a cup of coffee, while a couple dozen felines brush past your legs and snuggle in your lap. You could even take one home. A cat, not just coffee. Then came March 16, 2020, the pandemic and lockdowns. The no kill shelter that is West LA's Cat Cafe and Lounge, is still open due with the help of volunteers and staff, and the public is still welcome to bring home a new kitten or adult cat. But the cafe is closed to the public,...
A male and female sheriff's deputies were driving through Altadena in a patrol vehicle, when one of two men walking by pointed a rifle at them and fired. The two then fled on foot and evaded arrest. The Sheriff's press release follows: *UPDATE*LASD Deputy Sheriff on Patrol Ambushed by Gunfire in Altadena Detectives from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Operation Safe Streets (O.S.S.) and Altadena Station are asking for your help identifying and locating the two attempted murder suspec...
Viral video shows a school teacher in Bend, the largest town in Eastern Oregon, yelling "Go kill yourself!" and various expletives at Reopen Oregon Now protestors Sunday. Tensions are building in the US over newly announced lockdowns, as diagnosed cases rose to 100,000 per day Sunday December 6th. Many are protesting, and some are protesting the protestors. An Oregon school teacher yelled from her SUV that protestors who wanted the schools to reopen "should go kill yourselves". She also gave...
Rapper Cardi-B says she'll match anyone's donations, as a discussion about her charitable work emerged on Twitter. Some questioned her tweet asking fans if she should purchase an '88K' purse, presumably meaning one that cost $88,000. "I was a grateful recipient of $500 from you this summer. Despite your charity, your tweet about spending 88K when people are literally struggling to survive is insensitive. Your charity does not preclude you from critique. We love you and want you to learn from...
With 2 other Supervisors, Sheila Kuehl voted to close all of LA County's 31,000 restaurants on Monday, November 23. Then she went out to eat at Il Forno on Ocean Park Blvd on Tuesday night, November 24. "This is why people get pissed and have no respect for politicians. They can't even follow THEIR OWN protocol. Embarrassing." tweeted Anthony Steele. Kuehl's explanation was she goes to eat there every night, and was catching a final meal at her favorite eatery near her Santa Monica home, before...
Laughter was on the menu at Tiato restaurant in Santa Monica, which was the place to be this week when a slew of A-List comedians performed at the 'Shindig Stars Under The Stars' to raise funds for the Santa Monica chapter of The Prostate Cancer Foundation. Extreme planning and care was taken by Tiato's owner Cathy An, who ensured with her team, that social distancing was in full effect at the stunning restaurant's huge outdoor space. Comedian Jimmy Shin, star of Amazon's 'Jimmy Shin's Wok Of...
The Pier is open, Pacific Park is closed. And the Ferris wheel is displaying a turkey design for Thanksgiving. "Pacific Park will be "Talkin' Turkey" on it 90-feet tall Ferris wheel while featuring Fall leaves, colors, patterns and transitions for the Thanksgiving Holiday Week," writes Pier communications manager Cameron Andrews in a press release. He noted that the Pier is now open 24 hours. So while you cannot ride the ferris wheel, you certainly may want to look at it. The press release...
Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro tells the administration of Donald J. Trump to either put up or shut up. "No more of the pitching this stuff on national TV," said Shapiro. If this is show and tell, says Shapiro, it's time for less of the showing, and less of the telling. Put the cards on the table at this time. There absolutely is fraud in every election including this one, said Shapiro. "But it's time to either present the evidence, or quit saying you're about to release the Kracken," as T...
Conservative columnist (and mom to be) Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) tweeted: "There is no society that can survive without strong men. The East knows this. In the west, the steady feminization of our men at the same time that Marxism is being taught to our children is not a coincidence. It is an outright attack," wrote Owens on Sunday 11/15. The rise of African American conservatives this election cycle. About 10% of African American voters supported President Trump. Many on the left are threat...
Los Angeles County Superior Court will attempt to process a backlog of 7000 criminal cases despite Coronavirus. In order to do so, and give criminal defendants their day in Court, the Court will have to call jurors into court. Yes, apparently jury duty will resume. Bring your mask, needless to say. Generally California defendants have the right to a trial within 60 or 70 days of being charged. Covid-19 doesn't alter criminal defendants' right to a speedy trial. The press release from LASC...
Despite warnings that a typical Labor Day Weekend with Los Angeles area temperatures well above 100, would lead to a second wave of Covid-19, a pile-up on the beach was evident on Sunday, September 5 2020 on Santa Monica Beach. Coronavirus or not, a people pileup on Los Angeles County beaches resulted from temperatures above 100 degrees Farenheit. A traffic accident at the Lincoln Blvd offramp to the Santa Monica freeway backed up traffic to the 405 Freeway. Separately, a 6 car pileup on the 10...
Santa Monica college has begun its Fall Semester with students at home. Classes are attended online, and yes, some instructors do take roll. America's 2500 colleges and universities have struggled with whether to bring their students back to campus. At many residential colleges, only Freshmen and 25% of upperclassmen are attending real world classes at school and living in dormitories. The other 60% or so of students have to attend virtual classes online. SMC has offered to keep all students...
The New York Times reports that the U.S. Postal service (USPS) will shut down prior to the November 3rd election. Trucks are rounding up mail boxes, says the New York Times, just before an election where people have to vote by mail. President Donald Trump has also publicly criticized the efficiency and honesty of voting by mail, which is believed to advantage Democrats. #USPSSabotage is trending on Twitter. And that package I ordered never seems to arrive. Is the Trump Administration trying to s...
The recent arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell, former personal assistant to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, has cast a light on child trafficking. One local mom organized a protest Thursday afternoon at Santa Monica Place. About 250 protestors held up signs to protest the trade in children. "We are out here to spread awareness because child trafficking has not been a mentioned in the main stream media that represents the true crisis and our local leaders have not made them a part of the...
It's an open secret that the Coronavirus has really cut into young people's social lives. How exactly is a girl to meet boys, when she's home all the time? Never let a good crisis go to waste. And this one is truly an opportunity. As Covid 19 Cuts Into Love Lives, singles find alternative tactics to find boyfriends and girlfriends. No I don't mean BLM rallies. Though my great grandmother Rose did once tell me she joined the Workers Party in 1927 to meet guys (she really said that). Images of...
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany did not respond to a question from reporter Kimberly Halkett during a Tuesday press briefing. Halkett responded: "Okay, you don't want to engage. You lying bitch." The official White House transcript revealed that Halkett did in fact say, "Okay, you don't want to engage." But it did not pick up the audio of the expletive Halkett used. "Fast forward to 23:50 in the video to CLEARLY hear @KimberlyHalkett call @PressSec a lying b***h! Unedited video...
Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order allowing barbershops to continue, as long as they operate outside. Coronaviruses are believed not to propagate outdoors. At Active Barbers on Wilshire and 25th Street, you can hear them as you walk by, since now their cuts are taking place outside. Owner Steven Moran set up canopies on the sidewalk on Wilshire Blvd. "We want to create a clean and comfortable setting for customers," he told FoxLA. Minus the barberchairs, which are still outside....
So. "Naked Athena" a performance artist, appears in front of a police line and dares them to shot tear gas at her. At one point she sat down in the road, her legs splayed. She did wear a mask, though. Needless to say, Twitter loved it. "Did you see the naked yoga posing protestor?" tweeted Dolly Madison. "She was magnificent! I love Note: The police in the photos are Federal troops, not Portland police. Federal authorities have recently begun a crackdown on rioters in Portland. Countess of...
7/9/20: The California Highway Patrol arrested a suspect who lead them on a freeway chase from Santa Ana, finally exiting the ten freeway in Santa Monica. According to the CHP, the pursuit began near the Dyer Road to the 55 Freeway in Santa Ana just after 12:30 p.m. At one point in the televised chase, the white Toyota stopped and a female passenger exited the vehicle with her hands up and was taken into custody in the vicinity of Pacific Coast Highway and Chautauqua Boulevard. The suspect, a...
For the 19th straight night in a row, protestors had blocked the Interstate 5 freeway that runs through Seattle, in order to conduct their protest. A white Jaguar evaded several police vehicles serving to block the highway for the protestors, hitting two transgender women who were attending a Black Lives Matter rally. All the major news networks replayed the video footage on TV. Summer Taylor, 24 of Seattle was killed Saturday night, when the white Jaguar driven by Kelete veered around several...
Santa Monica City Hall issued a new order again requiring that businesses and their customers wear face masks. It is the 20th Covid-19 related order; the City has gone back and forth on masks. This order says that if you and the guy helping you at a local business aren't wearing a mask, you could be fined $100 for the first offense. More interestingly, when you simply pass by another person (within 30 feet of another person, in fact); you must wear a mask. Masks are required when you walk into...
Outlook India reports that a 30 year old software engineer from Patigang, died of mysterious causes 2 days after his wedding on June 15th. 80 to 100 of the hospital guests have since tested positive for Covid-19, depending on which report you believe. The groom apparently felt ill the day of his wedding, and wanted to delay the event, but was prevailed upon to continue with the event by his family. Weddings are important culturally, in India, and he didn't want to disappoint his family. The...
There's no doubt about it: Restaurants are beginning to serve diners again, albeit with outdoor seating and waitresses in masks. As always, some place are cooler than others. Where to take that high class date? We would start at Sidecar Donuts on Wilshire near 6th Street. You can people watch while waiting in line. Everyone's wearing masks, of course, but that only makes you feel more like a super hero. If you take a date to Dunkin' Donuts, she'll wonder if you're downshifting after losing your...