Del Mar Racetrack Opening Day 2021 with Happy Fans, Big Hats and Fast Horses!
On Friday July 16, 2021 the Del Mar Race Track, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar, CA, opened its doors to about 14,984 fans for its 82nd racing season.
In past seasons, the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club at Del Mar Racetrack had close to 40, 000 attendees on Opening Day, but due to Covid-19 protocols there was a restriction to allowing this type of crowding.
Seating was available in the Grandstand, Clubhouse, Turf Club, Skyroom's Luxury and Celebrity suites and the five major restaurants on the fairgrounds. Opening day was totally sold old, but the racing season runs through September 6, 2021
The first race started at 2 Pm and was won by the 4 year old Leprino (Bred in Kentucky by WinStar Farm LLC, trained by Steven Miyadi, with owners Allen, Orson, Heck, William L. and Steven Miyadi., and rode by the talented jockey Abel Cedillo.
The Runhappy Oceanside Stakes (9th race and most popular) with a $100, 000 purse was won by Flashiest ( Bred in Kentucky by Indian Creek & Nicky Drion, trained by Leonard Powell , with Owner Wachtel Stable Barber or Drion) and rode by adept jockey Abel Cedillo.
The popular 27th Annual Opening Day Hat Contest at Del Mar Racetrack attracted more than 100 contestants wearing their flamboyant outfits and snazzy hats was held at the Plaza de Mexico area.
The Grand Prize winner was Rebecca Smith of Encinitas in the Best Flowers category. Rebecca received two VIP tickets to the Breeders' Cup World Championship 2021 at Del Mar ($1000 value) plus $300 cash, and a Savvy Salon Gift Basket worth f $250, for a marvelous total of more than $1500 in prizes.
First place in the Best Racing category went to Lori Shelton of San Diego. Kathy LaBordo from San Diego took first place in the Fascinator category. Belinda Berry of Walnut Creek won first prize in the Most Glamorous category.
It was wonderful to see so many happy faces, long lost friends, new acquaintances, ready to cheer and celebrate Del Mar Racetrack Opening Day 2021
Former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson and former UFC champ Chuck Liddell were seen in the Celebrity Boxes and Paddock areas
For additional information contact
Ticket Office: (858)792-4266 or
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