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Hi Jesse, I noticed you put out a newsletter where you said: "As 2024 kicks into gear I'm happy to report a number of exciting accomplishments and events on the horizon in Santa Monica. From bringing people experiencing homelessness indoors to making our streets safer for all, we're making progress on the issues residents care most about, while our overall economic recovery is proceeding faster than anticipated." That statement is a complete lie Jesse. You're not making Santa Monica safer for...
Santa Monica's Police Department recently hired a bunch of new sworn officers. Why now? Why didn't Santa Monica's police department hire a bunch of new sworn officers in December of 2021? Well, because the City Of Santa Monica was mandating an experimental MRNA treatment for new police recruits. The experimental MRNA treatment causes heart attacks in some people. So for the entire term of the vaccine mandates Santa Monica has had an impossible time hiring new sworn officers. Santa Monica was...
Last Tuesday, Santa Monica City Council Woman Caroline Torosis delivered a scripted speech about cash bail. She said that she has "Seen first hand" how cash bail "destroys families." No she hasn't. She's reading from a script she didn't write. Caroline Torosis said that cash bail "criminalizes poverty." No it doesn't. It criminalizes criminals. Caroline Torosis said that cash bail resulted in "either below or similar to historical average" failure to appear in court. That is lawyer speak for...
Santa Monica has some of the strictest rent control in the country. But did you know that the rent control in Santa Monica is selective? Some buildings in Santa Monica have rent control and some buildings do not. It's interesting to note that the rent on the brand new buildings in Santa Monica is not controlled the same way that the rent on small mom and pop buildings is controlled. For example: I live in a small mom and pop building which is strictly rent controlled. My friend used to live in a...
Hi Santa Monica City Government, You are exercising government overreach. Stop the mandates. You are city servants. Not health dictators. You do not have the right to force city employees or law enforcement to be guinea pigs for drug companies. When you started the mandating game it was "in a state of emergency" and "just to keep the hospitals from overflowing." Right? Now what's the excuse? The hospitals are not overflowing. We're not in a state of emergency. Everyone who got "vaccinated"...
UPDATE:ANOTHER CAR (The Tesla, attached) was smashed and grabbed at the same address two days after I sent the original message. Neighbors said they saw a black Honda Civic and racing away from the crime scene (They didn't see the license plate). Hi Santa Monica City Government, Criminals are increasing their activity in Santa Monica. Yesterday my friend's car & his neighbor's car were both smashed & robbed in Santa Monica (Pictures attached). I have two other friends who have had their...