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She's a Latina chick. She got too big for her britches. She lived down the other hallway in my housing unit. She sold drugs to her mark, an Asian girl, on a front. On credit. Then she attempted to extort the payment from the victim. She exploited the girl's addiction. The tension was building. The drug dealer wanted her money NOW. They ended up having an altercation and water was thrown. The Asian victim was moved to another housing unit. It did not stop there. I happen to have knowledge of...
She's been caught red handed. She recently received a whopping 5 year rollover from the CA Board Of Prison Terms, on her life sentence for murder. That would humble most people. It didn't faze her. She's a pill popper, among other things. Now she and her transgender girlfriend and roommate, who used to be a man, both life prisoners, broke the lock off of the ice machine in my housing unit. Of course, in full view of the camera surveillance system only feet away. Clearly, she's a dumb ass. This...
I'm on the verge of an early release and resentencing! Yes, I'll be free very soon! I'm excited! May God bless my path as I make plans and contemplate what I will be doing. One theme keeps popping up. I've watched so many women return prison! That's made me an expert on successful reentry. Stop doing wrong, illegal sh*t! Hello! WTF? I already live by this rule within these walls. However, I'm taking it to the yet another level. See, I plan to be a millionaire. I'm planning on starting several...