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In an appearance on FoxNews, newly elected George Gascón laid out initiatives for his first term as Los Angeles County District Attorney Los Angeles District Attorney-elect George Gascón outlined the initiatives for his upcoming term including stopping the practice of trying minors as adults and ending the use of the death penalty. After serving eight years as district attorney for San Francisco, Gascón was elected as the new Los Angeles County district attorney, replacing Jackie Lacey who...
California Governor Newsom was outed as having flouted his own state's guidelines and rules when he was caught attending a birthday party on November 6 at the exclusive French Laundry restaurant in Napa. At the time of the gathering, which consisted of at least 10 people seated together at a table, Napa was in the Orange Tier of Covid restrictions, which is somewhat looser than others. However, the entire state had been prohibited from attending gatherings involving more than three different...
Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey announced today that Apple Inc. will pay $24.6 million to settle a California lawsuit alleging the company failed to disclose that iPhone software it instructed consumers to download slowed down the performance in older iPhones. The California settlement is part of a larger $113 million settlement negotiated with a total of 34 states resolving allegations that the company made misrepresentations about iPhone batteries and software updates that th...
November 18, 2020, Los Angeles, CA - Amazon has added another goal in slugging its way to retail dominance; Amazon launched its own online pharmacy to deliver prescription drugs. Amazon, already laced with fraud and scams, and having fumbled its counterfeit enforcement practices for retail goods, is adding a pharmacy counter to its virtual store. Amazon acquired startup PillPack in 2018 that presorted medicines and shipped them to customers' homes in 49 states. The acquisition gave Amazon state...
Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro tells the administration of Donald J. Trump to either put up or shut up. "No more of the pitching this stuff on national TV," said Shapiro. If this is show and tell, says Shapiro, it's time for less of the showing, and less of the telling. Put the cards on the table at this time. There absolutely is fraud in every election including this one, said Shapiro. "But it's time to either present the evidence, or quit saying you're about to release the Kracken," as T...
Numbering over 72 million, millennials have surpassed Baby Boomers to be the largest living adult generation. Millennials, defined by the Pew Research Center as people born between 1981–1996, are now in their prime home-buying years. However, millennial homeownership rates have lagged that of older generations-in part, because while home prices have been rising, income has not kept pace. According to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau, median annual income for full-time working...
UPDATE: The questions posed during the webinar can be found under the "Get Involved" tab on the Housing Element Update website. However, no answers have yet been posted. We did receive an answer to an emailed question about financing for the affordable housing: "Regarding your questions, producing affordable housing takes investment both from private and public sector. You are right that the amount of affordable housing allocated to Santa Monica is a substantial amount that exceeds the number...
Two men have been charged in a 41-count criminal complaint for allegedly submitting thousands of fraudulent voter registration applications on behalf of homeless people, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office announced today. Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Montenegro (dob 9/9/67), aka Mark Anthony Gonsalves, and Marcos Raul Arevalo (dob 3/15/86) were each charged in case BA491333 with one count of conspiracy to commit voter fraud, eight counts of voter fraud, four counts of procuring and...
Dateline NBC...48 Hours on CBS...We love to watch them. We love to hate those featured in them. Both shows feature a large number of cases from here in California. Do you ever wonder what happens after they catch, convict and sentence those who committed crimes worthy of being featured in an hour-long, riveting TV show?? Specifically, the women involved. Well, when society flushes the toilet, women only have 2 prisons in California. I'm in the oldest one in the state. With some of the most famou...
"Vote, Vote, Vote!" was the common call-out by every politician last month. So I did. I voted in person, I voted by absentee ballot, and I voted by mail-in ballot. No one stopped me. No one checked me. I even voted for every mail-in ballot that I received at my home address – 4 more. This was fun even though I know it is wrong. But getting results by any means is okay, right? Hell no. That's not the American Way. We do it right. We do it better. We are the envy of the world. But not this...
The couple is always shocked and horrified when cat whisperer Jackson Galaxy shines a blacklight on their bedroom walls to reveal where their problem feline has been leaving its urine. Without the blacklight, the wall looks clean, even pristine. But the ultraviolet radiation reveals the walls are splashed with dirty cat pee. President Donald Trump has served as the nation's blacklight from the moment he entered office. Only because of Donald Trump has the American public discovered the dirty...
Conservative columnist (and mom to be) Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) tweeted: "There is no society that can survive without strong men. The East knows this. In the west, the steady feminization of our men at the same time that Marxism is being taught to our children is not a coincidence. It is an outright attack," wrote Owens on Sunday 11/15. The rise of African American conservatives this election cycle. About 10% of African American voters supported President Trump. Many on the left are threat...