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Usually, September and October are the months when we can look forward to walking around the neighborhood, admiring the front yards of Halloween-loving homeowners who go all out with decorations. This year, however, looking at the polystyrene figments of the macabre that adorn only a fraction of entryways, I must admit the typical elements that have become party-store staples in recent decades, just aren't so appealing. Zombies? Please. During the eight-month quarantine most of us have begun...
There was a marked difference in the response and capability of police in quelling rioting between Philadelphia and Los Angeles this week. In Philadelphia, police were outmanned and overpowered when rioting and looting broke out in response to the police shooting death of Walter Wallace, Jr. Purported protestors rampaged through the city for two days, looting stores and injuring journalists, police, and each other. At least 11 people were shot by other looters. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles,...
Los Angeles (CA) While homicides are trending towards a 10-year high, and shooting victims up over 23%, no Violent Crime Reduction Plan from the Los Angeles Police Commission can be found. The Los Angeles Police Protective League is offering a $10,000 reward for anyone who can locate and deliver to the residents of Los Angles the Police Commission's strategy to address the alarming increase in homicides, shootings, and gang violence. This past Tuesday, Chief Moore reported the following to the...
Protests sponsored by Black Lives Matter had wound down during October, prior to the national election on November 3. Even activity by Antifa had abated in Portland, where the group has besieged various public buildings since May 29. It had looked as though the two groups were working to help Joe Biden get elected. The violent chaos that had erupted in various cities around the country is not popular and was featured prominently at the Republican National Convention. Democrats have soft-pedaled...