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Sorry folks. Turns out, your tax dollars are being used to torture kittens. The Veterans' Affairs Laboratory divisions in Louisville, Cleveland, and right here in Los Angeles are conducting cruel "experiments" on cats and kittens. Healthy animals' spines are snapped, devices are implanted in their bodies to force on-demand bowel movements, constipation is induced with the help of squeezing harnesses; and at the end of the process, any survivors are simply killed. After all, we can't afford to...
There are currently 20 large #wildfires burning 476,027 acres in Oregon & Washington. Extreme fire weather continues across the region. We all need to do everything we can to minimize every single spark because, w/these conditions, a spark could easily result in a wildfire," tweeted the Oregon Fire Service. A young woman named Emily took a set of 4 photos from the Oregon coast, that are, well, eerie. Many communities are enduring evacuation orders, including in Marion County’s Santiam Cany...
When President Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, he famously said, "I'm truly honored. But I haven't done anything yet." You probably won't hear about it at all on American mainstream media, but US President Donald J. Trump has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Norwegian Parliament member Christian Tybring-Gjedde nominated the president, citing efforts to resolve world conflict. He said: "Trump has broken a 39-year-old streak of American Presidents either starting a w...
Police have released security camera screen grabs of 3 suspects who robbed an elderly woman, pushing her to the ground, on Sunday, August 20th. Video of the incident was widely seen on social media. SMPD's press release follows: On August 20, 2020 at approximately 8:50pm a robbery occurred near the 1500 block of 6th Street. After parking and exiting her vehicle, the victim was standing on the sidewalk when Suspect-1 grabbed her purse. During this effort, the victim was pulled to the ground and...