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Just one firefly contains enough poison to kill a toad. Nevertheless, in a viral video, we see a frog glowing the dark after consuming a firefly. Veterinarians say that the genus Photinus pose a potential threat to lizards like bearded dragons. For years, there have been anecdotal reports, and now research into the toxicity of fireflies for certain animals, especially lizards. Most reports of poisonings have involved bearded dragons, but tree frogs have also eaten teh fireflies, as witnessed by...
One of the more depressing tricks employed by people who favor more government control of everything is this: Put government controls on a business, which causes problems, and then use the problems as a justification for more government controls. It's like trying to reverse a case of alcohol poisoning with a jug of moonshine. Nowhere is the "here, drink this," cure more discouraging than in the housing market. Just recently, Assembly member Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) and two co-sponsors...
A deadman was found outside St John's Hospital this morning, and a suspect has been arrested for his murder. The suspect is identified as Daniel Roy Davis, a 26-year-old male. The victim is said to have been a transient from San Diego. Police describe him as a white male around 40 years of age. The victim's body was found Friday morning at about 6:44 a.m., Santa Monica Police Dept. spokesman Saul Rodriguez said. Both the victim and perpetrator appear to be homeless men, and one might surmise an...
Adult film actress Stormy Daniels (Stephanie Clifford) was arrested tonight in Columbus Ohio, after performing an adult act at a strip club. according to her attorney, Michael Avenatti. The act, which strongly implies if not shows bestiality, cannot be further described nor pictured her in line with standards imposed by our advertisers, including Google. Stormy Daniels, once kind of a marginal porn actress, has become famous for opposing Donald Trump. She says she had an extramarital affair...