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In 1997 defendant Kenji Howard was convicted of murder of Arkett Mejia, attempted murder of Travon Johnson and two others, and shooting at an occupied vehicle. Recently, the conviction was overturned because of "new" evidence, essentially a statement by his co-defendant who has nothing to lose. On December 2, the Los Angeles District Attorney's office announced that they would not retry the defendant because of policy considerations and resource constraints. Wait. What? Murder is the most...
Erik Charles Maund, 46, allegedly paid hitmen $750,000 to kill his ex-girlfriend Holly Williams, 33, and her estranged boyfriend William Lanway, 36. This in Austin Texas. Then he left a review on Yelp. More on that momentarily. Williams and Lanway were kidnapped and fatally shot before their bodies were found in Miss Williams' car, which ran down an embankment and into a tree. Maund, who is married, previously dated Williams - he allegedly sent her text messages when he was planning to visit her...
For the last year, District Attorney George Gascon has pursued two related goals. First, send as few people to prison or jail as possible. Also first, let as many people out of jail or prison as quickly as possible. When you view his first year in office through this lens, everything suddenly makes sense: his staffing picks; his permissive sentencing directives; his let-'em-out-now, ask-questions-later approach to re-sentencing and post-conviction litigation; his reckless bail policies; his...
12.17.21 - Today the the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health announced an additional 8 cases of Omicron had been identified, bringing the total number of Omicron cases in the region to 38. The first Omicron case was reported in LA County on December 2. By December 9, county health officials could not trace the origin of the infection and labeled the fourth Omicron case a "possible result of local transmission." Of the 8 cases reported today, 5 individuals were fully vaccinated with on...