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At first, I admit I was skeptical of Warden Houston. I even thought she was anti women, at first. However, over time I was won over by her leadership and her ability to steer CIW through several Covid-19 outbreaks. As a woman, and a woman color, Warden Houston took the reins of CIW in the middle of a Covid surge. Most people would be reluctant to take such a risky career move. San Quentin Men's Prison went through a now infamous Covid disaster after one decision to transfer inmates caused a...
Los Angeles District Attorney Why so many of DA Gascón's prosecutors want him recalled The Los Angeles County District Attorney's office is in turmoil. Prosecutors opposed to DA George Gascón's reform agenda and unhappy with his management practices overwhelmingly support his removal - just 16 months after he assumed office. Gascón is seeking to make the criminal justice system less punitive. He says his policies are designed to end mass incarceration and racial disparities, and that he...
4.12.22: The Santa Monica Police Department have identified a suspect responsible for the halting of mail carrier service in the 1300 block of 14th Street. Davon Ray Morgan, age undisclosed, is the suspect of an Assault with a Deadly Weapon (broomstick) on a United States Postal Service mail carrier on January 19, 2022. SMPD says Morgan is "known to our officers" and was also familiar to the mail carrier he attacked. He was described as someone who "lived in the area." The victim received a mino...
April 12, 2022 - The National Weather Service says they have been forced to cut back on the number of their weather balloon launches because of global supply chain issues and an allegedly temporary problem with one hydrogen supplier. Normally, the NWS launches the weather diagnostic balloons from 101 "upper-air" sites, 92 in the United States and 9 in the Caribbean. The balloons carry radiosondes. Battery-powered radiosondes, instruments slightly bigger than a cell phone, can measure altitude,...
April 12, 2022 - City officials at all levels are struggling to respond to the recent news reports ranking Santa Monica as one of the least safe cities in California. In an open letter, City Manager David White and Police Chief Ramon Batista - both relatively new hires - claimed they have heard residents' fears and dismay and are taking aggressive action to restore the city's safety. Meanwhile, Barry Snell, the Interim Chief Executive Officer of Downtown Santa Monica, Inc., wrote a letter to...
Leadership and competence matter when you are in charge. As George Gascón has been subjecting Los Angeles County residents to his massive social experiment, it has become painfully clear he lacks both those traits (San Francisco mayor, London Breed, tried to warn us about that). It's this failure in leadership and competence, just as much as his short-sighted blanket policies, that has made him unfit to be Los Angeles County District Attorney. From day one, Gascón has been more focused on...