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Ask Rusty – When Is My Wife Eligible for Full Survivor Benefits? Dear Rusty: I heard my spouse will get 100% of my Social Security when I pass if she is at her full retirement age (FRA), which is 66 years and 8 months. But I also heard that full widow benefits for those born in 1958 are available at 66 years and 4 months. Which is correct? Then I heard that her getting 100% of my social security is NOT the case because I started social security at 70. I heard this is because widow benefits...
11.7.22: A windy and cold winter storm blew down power lines at 9th Street and San Vicente on Tuesday. Electrical power was out on San Vicente west of 11th Street. Linemen said the earliest it would be back on would be late Tuesday. They said the latest electricity would be restored would be sometime tomorrow. It appeared that high winds knocked the tree onto the power lines, in turn causing two power poles to go down, and leaving one at an odd angle supported by other power lines. Strong burst...
Children, do you know what day it is? That's right, it's the day after the election. Gather round children, while I tell you a story about the most famous election of all, the one that saved the kingdom. The story involves magic, of course, and a famous wizard, the richest and wisest man in the whole kingdom. A genius among geniuses. A man who played chess while everyone else played checkers. In those days, the kingdom was ruled by Old King Joe, a seemingly kindly but rather senile old man. The...