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NOMA joins The Friends of Sunset Park (FOSP) in urging residents to attend a ZOOM developer-hosted meeting this Thursday, February 17th at 7pm to discuss a very big project on the Gelson’s site at Lincoln and Ocean Park Blvd. Weighing in at almost 60% larger than Santa Monica Place, this proposal would build 521 apartments, only 10% affordable, in ten buildings up to five stories. In spite of its misleading name, “Lincoln Center,” this isn’t going to be a community center at all. The...
February 10, 2022 - According to data released today by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, the vaccinated population contracted Covid-19 at a rate more than 10% higher than the unvaccinated during the week between February 3 and February 10. Number of vaccinated individuals: 7,131,679 (71.2% of the county population) Total number of new infections this week: 52,044 Number of infections in vaccinated people: 42,651 82% of the new infections were in vaccinated people during the...
Los Angeles County voters have "a complete lack of faith" in the city of Los Angeles and their county to address the homelessness crisis. That's the consensus of six focus groups, according to a coalition of civic leaders who released the results of a study Thursday that addressed the important issues of the upcoming local elections in June and November. "There is an absolute, total, complete, without exception, lack of faith in city and county government to address homelessness," said public...
February 10, 2022 - On the same day the city was told they could not immediately demolish Parking Garage 3 in downtown Santa Monica, they closed the garage, cordoning it off to cars. The garage has been a bone of contention between the city government and downtown business owners since the city decided a new affordable housing project would be better on the site adjacent to the Third Street Promenade than 336 spaces of parking that had existed there for decades. The business owners believe the...
2/15/22: At their meeting tomorrow, the Audit and Finance Committee for Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. will discuss hiring a "communication firm to handle board communication and crisis management." DTSM is the quasi-governmental agency that assesses business owners in the downtown and Third Street Promenade area fees that are supposed to be used to promote "economic stability, growth and community life within this unique neighborhood." Six of DTSM's 13 board members are appointed by the city...
This year's return of the fans to Riviera after a Covid-restricted tournament last year coincides with perhaps the strongest field of players outside of the major tournaments, with every member of the top ten appearing. World number two Colin Morikawa gave the best showing in the group, coming in at four under and in prime position to make a move. Dustin Johnson, fifth-ranked in the world and a former winner at Riviera, fought a balky putter and fell afoul of the sand traps on the short tenth...