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Arguments are currently being heard in court with the aim of forcing Santa Monica to change its electoral system to elect council members by district, a miniature version of the US House of Representatives, in order to force the city to give more representation to minorities. The suit filed by Pico Neighborhood Association alleges that the current 'at large' elections are racially biased against the Latino community and thus violate the California Voting Rights Act. At a NOMA (North of Montana...
July 11, 2017, Santa Monica, CA: On July 14th, from 8:00 PM – 2:00 AM, at the 1931 Historic Harvelle's Nightclub (1432 4th Street in Santa Monica, CA) is where Bring Hollywood Home Foundation's Musical Benefit will celebrate increasing California's Tax Credit Incentives to keep Film & TV Production & Post-Production jobs in California. There will be a red carpet, tapas, auction, raffle and entertainment headliners by Bring Hollywood Home's leadership Jonathan and Jane Sheldon of the Am...
Dear Rusty: My wife is now 66 and not collecting Social Security. She wants to wait until age 70 to collect the larger benefit. However, I know that she could collect now and her payments will grow if she continues to work until age 70 because she had some years in her lifetime with zero earnings. My question is what will be the difference in benefits at age 70 if she waits to collect, or she collects now at age 66 and continues to contribute to S.S.? Signed: Working Wife's Husband Dear...
Editor's note: We received the Letter below in response to the City article at the bottom: Here's the full story about the Petangue Courts. It's probably before your time, but the City did not actually install Petangue courts in Palisades Park-- the courts already were there, but were "repurposed" in City Jargon. (I always worry when the City says it's going to "repurpose" a perfectly good place, such as the Sears store or SM Airport--it's usually bad news). In the 1950's and 1960's, these were...
Los Angeles City Councilman Mike Bonin seems to have set himself up as the fall guy for the Los Angeles City Traffic Department's decision to narrow Venice Blvd from 3 lanes running East and West, to 2 lanes in each direction. At a public meeting Tuesday night, residents complained to each other that the change, part of the City's "Great Street's Initiative," has made it impossible for them to drop their kids off at school and go to work. Bonin himself was quoted by KTTV as saying the change...
A week ago Edible Skinny was lucky enough to check out Astro Doughnuts and Fried Chicken while in hubbub of DTLA and they are Super (with a capital letter S) Fab (with a capital letter F)! Now Stop! I know that every Angeleno rolls their eyes at the idea of another sweet shop in LA; I mean, once Sprinkles premiered its Cupcake ATM we thought everything had been done... But Astro does some Darn Fine missing hole sweetmeats! And the originally from DC Astro, which opened its LA outpost in April...