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We are living in interesting times indeed. Perhaps the most challenging, perplexing and fearful time ever in our history. We are in the Twilight zone in many ways. The COVID19 Pandemic has affected our planet like nothing else ever has until this moment in time. Just goes to show no matter how rich, successful or powerful you are, living in the greatest country in the world at the best time in history, our entire existence is at stake and with our every move now controlled by a force beyond us....
This commentary/critique/observation should not be construed, rendered, or inferred to minimize, trivialize, diminish or make light of the seriousness, gravity, and solemnity of the Coronavirus/Novel Coronavirus/Covid-19. Please Stop, Refrain, and Put an End to Using, Adopting, or Availing Yourself of the word "UNPRECEDENTED." My favorite book of all time is The Princess Bride by William Goldman. Mr. Goldman died in November 2018, and for those of you who didn't know him, he also wrote (among...
That black lives matter is not a controversial opinion. In 2020 United States of America, well over 99 percent of the population agrees with this idea. Yet since March 25 and the death of African-American George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer, this slogan has been chanted, chalked on the sidewalk, spray-painted on buildings, and parroted by cowed corporations and obedient politicians as if nobody already agrees with it. There is no controversy here. Only a handful of completely irr...