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Triple vaccinated White House Spokeswoman Jen Psaki reports that she has tested positive for Covonavirus or Covid-19. She last saw President Joe Biden on Tuesday, just before his trip to Europe. "On Wednesday, in coordination with senior leadership at the White House and the medical team, I made the decision not to travel on the foreign trip with the President due to a family emergency, which was members of my household testing positive for COVID-19," Psaki said in a statement. "Since then, I...
The Santa Monica City Council this week received an upbeat update on the city's fiscal health and made small revisions to the 2021-2022 budget to reflect increases in revenues. The 2020-21 year-end budget report shows revenues exceeded projections by $20 million, "reflecting the strong housing market; vigorous consumer activity once shelter-in-place restrictions were lifted, resulting in higher than anticipated sales, hotel tax and parking receipts; and the positive impact of the recently...
October 29, 2021 - The Los Angeles Police Protective League, union for police officers in the City of Los Angeles, filed a lawsuit against the city for awarding what they claim was a #3 million no-bid contract for Covid testing to a company owned Fire and Police Pension Commissioner Pedram Salimpour. The police union is seeking a Temporary Restraining Order to prevent the city from implementing the vaccine ordinance "until they engage in good-faith bargaining and exhaust impasse procedures."...
As we approach Halloween, Sunday October 31st and Dia de los Muertos on Monday November 1st, it is important to remember that along with candy, costumes and a good scare, safety should remain at the top ofthe list. SMPDencourageseveryone to have a fun and safe holiday by following these important safety tips. Walk Safely --Cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks. Look left, right and left again when crossing and keep looking as you cross. Put electronic devices down...
On October 21st, a letter was submitted to Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) from 23 Members of Congress, protesting NIAID's "costly, cruel and unnecessary tax-payer funded experiments on dogs." This latest scandal involving Dr. Fauci has come to be known as "Beaglegate," because experiments recently brought to light by the investigative group, White Coat Waste, were conducted on a group of 44 beagle puppies. Among the Members who...
In an effort to achieve Santa Monica's "zero waste goal by 2030," the City Council this week adopted a new mandatory recycling ordinance for organic materials. The new ordinance fulfils the city's requirement of California law, SB 1383, which was enacted to divert organic materials – such as like food and "green waste" – from landfills to purposeful uses like compost, mulch and renewable energy, said city officials. Under the new ordinance, all Santa Monica single-family and multi-family...
Fun fact: Titan has only one third as much gravity as earth, but the atmosphere is 10 times thicker. Therefore, a man could theoretically strap on winds, and fly through the air like a bird. Of course, the temperature is around 200 degrees below zero, Farenheit. So dress warmly. NASA has release posters of imaginary vacations on planets such as Venus and Mars, and a poster designed by NASA artists depicts people visiting Jupiter's moon Titan, which has liquid methane oceans. In the videos, peopl...
Contemporary artist Haleh Mashian opened the final exhibition of the year with her newest series, SACRED WATERS at MASH Gallery in the Arts District, in downtown Los Angeles. This showstopper of a collection highlights Mashian's mastery of texture and three-dimensionality in her work, allowing her conceptual vision to flow beyond the confines of the canvas. SACRED WATERS offers an immersive experience, where paint, palette and materials embody the liquid properties of water. The opening night of...