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Think Santa Monica is boring? Think again! Introducing our latest and greatest local HOT SPOT. "The Crow", LA's newest comedy club, owned and operated by a mom and stand-up comic, an important distinction in the male-dominated comedy world. This collaborative space is built around inclusivity and advancement for all. Owner and comedian Nicole Blaine emphasized, "Using comedy as a vehicle for good and social progress is who we are." The club's name, The CROW, stands for Comedy Reflects Our World....
Is your child struggling in school? If you're considering a tutor, Shedly Lengliz is a rare gem. We found him when we were in search of a French tutor, but we discovered so many more hidden talents. Because he is from Tunisia, he is multi-lingual and quite gifted. After a year of weekly in-home French classes, my 6-year-old then asked to learn some Chinese, then Latin and even history! His wealth of knowledge really sparks a child's inquisitive nature. Shedly has a special gift for...
I took my usual morning beach walk Sunday morning and discovered this amazing organized group of community beach cleaners. I just had to investigate. This was spearheaded by Mary Curran. I had to dig deeper. Mary shares her story here. "My husband Andy and I live in Santa Monica and we walk down to surf multiple times a week. Let's be honest, I boogie board while he surfs because I'm not coordinated enough to surf. (I also started an adult boogie boarding club but that's a totally different...
Sylvan Santa Monica has reopened for virtual instruction amid the ongoing pandemic. We spoke with Managing Director, Ed Guirguis, and found they have a deep commitment to help local families. “Sylvan is a little like others, but different. We believe that learning should be personal and our kids need something unique to them. The assessment tests for reading, writing and math help you gather a more complete picture of your child’s educational standing, allowing you to see the academic gaps...
Is your child making you crazy? Don't feel bad. We are all going through it! Every day I have high hopes of taking a bath or doing yoga while the kid is on zoom school, But two hours later the bath is cold, and I got NO yoga in--AGAIN! "Mom, can I have this? Mom, look at this! Mom, where is my...? Mom, can you help me with this? Mom, I'm hungry!" Here we go again on lockdown and find ourselves baking and cooking more. Nothing like comfort food, right? Luckily we now have not one, but two Trader...
What exactly does that mean? Is this a new place to get filtered water? No, it's not a water refill station. Is it a floatation tank? No, you don't get wet here. Is it a place to achieve homeostasis, recover from illness, reverse aging and get relief from pain, stress or nausea? YES! How is this possible? Humans are comprised of approximately 75% water. It's critical that we are properly hydrated. Most of us are not. For many of us, the reasons behind our illnesses begin with dehydration. We...
Do you hate the Dentist? Most people hate going, and it makes good sense. Having someone poke and prod into one of your most sensitive and vulnerable orifices is quite intimidating. One may wonder why so many people let their teeth go, until the fears are fully comprehended. Not every dentist has the best chairside manner. Not every dentist has a compassion and understanding for what their patients are feeling. Not every dentist has the skill and expertise to competently treat you quickly and ef...
Everyone needs to live joyously, as we were meant to, but how can we do that if we are distracted by agonizing pain signals? If you experience body pain, such as carpal tunnel, sciatica or low back pain, you may soon discover a long-awaited end to your quiet suffering. Perhaps you are not comfortable with disrobing for a massage, or you cringe at the thought of acupuncture needles or chiropractic adjustments. Certainly, for some, these are valid fears. We know the body is miraculously capable...
What a wonderful new addition to our capital of natural healing, Santa Monica. I found Amplify to be an interesting choice of name, because this haven is so serene, the only thing it ‘amplified’ was my need for a nap. I was complaining of nervous tension and restlessness, and just one treatment transported me into my ideal state of Chillifornia. I was treated by Licensed Acupuncturist and Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yunuen “June” Beristain, who opened Amplify and graduated...
Feeling drab? Feeling dreary? You know what would pick up your spirits? Looking in the mirror and seeing a big smile.... Can't muster a smile? I get that. Some days, it's hard. One thing that helps me find that smile is my all-time favorite beauty tip. I recently became privy to the wonderful world of eyelash extensions. Once I had my first set, I was done for. It was the best thing to ever happen to my face. As many of you know, once you hit 50, your face sort of disappears and scrunches...
Looking for something to do with your kids this summer? You know how you like to find an activity that's unique and fun for the kids, that has a bonus of being educationally and culturally rewarding? Have I got the answer for you! Summertime can be brutal on a parent who is getting "MOMMY! MOMMY MOMMY!"d to death... You know the drill. So every time my daughter's school has a break, we make a run to the Santa Monica Conservatory of Music (SMCM). Their music camps offer the perfect answer for...
If every child could get an early start by attending the most phenomenal preschool conceivable, our world would be the most magical place. Garden of Angels in Santa Monica has been a Godsend to our family. By not only offering a nurturing place for our daughter to spend her days while we work, what she has learned already before Kindergarten has far surpassed my wildest imagination. Most schools obviously teach the basics. Kids learn to share, clean up, tell time, their ABC's, reading and...