All the proceeds go to pay for camp, for boys who might not otherwise be able to afford it.
Once again, The Troop 2 Santa Monica Boy Scout Tree lot is open from 10 am to 9 pm every day for the next three weeks, or until the trees are all sold.
One local Scout mom, Janet McLaughlin, said: "This is the 49th year for our local, Santa Monica Troop 2 Christmas Tree lot.The hardest part was finding the physical space, since vacant lots in Santa Monica are becoming as scarce as hen's teeth."
"But under the excellent guidance of long-time Scout Master, Dr. Steve Marcy, we were able to secure our current location, on Santa Monica and 19th.
Our trees are delivered fresh cut from Oregon, and they are exceptionally beautiful this year. The tree lot is run by the Boy Scouts themselves. They do all the unloading of trees from the trucks, set up, selling, deliveries, and clean up."
The parents volunteer to cashier and use the chain saw. All the proceeds go to pay for camp, for boys who might not otherwise be able to afford it.
Boy Scout Lucky Basseri said he loves working at the tree lot because it teaches him real world, valuable skills such as how to help and interact with customers.He's also learned the hard work ethic; carrying trees, tying them to the cars, unloading them from the delivery trucks, and cleaning up. And he particularly enjoys bonding with the other scouts, as they work together to make customers happy.
The Scouts will be handing out 10% off coupons at Saturday's Walk on Montana. Scout moms will also be there, handing out free cookies and hot apple cider. The Troop 2 Santa Monica Boy Scout Tree lot is open from 10 am to 9 pm every day for the next three weeks, or until the trees are all sold.
Christmas Trees by the Boy Scouts
Tree lot address: 1819 Santa Monica Boulevard (corner of 19th Street, near Santa Music Center)
Tree lot Website page:
“It is all about community and volunteering. It’s a great experience for the scouts because they learn how to deal with customers and they learn lots of valuable skills, which is basically what Boy Scouts are about.” Stephan Corbel, Troop 2 Tree Lot chair
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