The Bochurim refused to leave the tunnels. Community leaders were called in to help defuse the tense situation, after the NYPD arrived
1.8.24: Apparently Chabad Lubavitch illegally dug tunnels under their New York area headquarters. The tunnels were dug either to permit entry during Covid era lockdowns, or more recently to connect a ritual bath to the main building. As no permit was obtained prior to building the tunnels, the NYPD decided to fill them in by pouring cement.
During Covid in 2020 and 2021, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) locked down places of worship, including churches and synagogues. The Mikvah is a ritual bath for Jewish purification, derived from ancient notions of impurity and purity. It is used for conversion, burial, and other purposes, especially for Jewish women after menstruation or childbirth. Denying observant Jews access to it was seen by some as a kind of oppression.
"A chaotic scene at the Chabad headquarters in Crown Heights, after Bochurim ripped wooden panels to prevent a cement truck from sealing off the recently discovered tunnels.
The NYPD are on scene, and 770 (the address of Chabad HQ) will be closed shortly to regain control.” tweeted @FrumTikTok.
"Here's how it all started. Bochurim ripped wooden panels to prevent a cement truck from sealing off the recently discovered tunnels. They then went inside the tunnel and started to learn. The NYPD was immediately called."
"The Bochurim refused to leave the tunnels. Community leaders were called in to help defuse the tense situation.”
"Chaos breaks out in New York City after underground tunnels were discovered under the Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn," tweeted Collin Rugg. "The incident below reportedly took place to prevent a cement truck from filling the tunnels. According to the Crown Heights Info, the tunnels were made in the past 6 months in an effort to expand 770."
"Other reports suggest the tunnels were dug by Yeshiva men during COVID after they were locked out of 770. The tunnel reportedly stretched from the Mikvah building to the women's portion of 770. The tunnel was discovered after someone started hearing people "in" his home. About ten arrests were made after some refused to leave the tunnels according to @FrumTikTok
Bochurim in Jewish use : a young unmarried man : youth specifically : a student in a Talmudic academy called also yeshiva bocher.
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