Sorted by date Results 26 - 50 of 594
March 24, 2023 - The City Council of Los Angeles is one vote away from passing a law to create penalties of 6 months in jail or $1,000 in fines for each catalytic converter theft. A person would be assumed to be in possession of the stolen auto part if they can not prove ownership. The proposal, authored by Councilmember John Lee passed 8-4 but must return to the council for a final reading on April 11 before it can be made into law. Current law requires the government to prove the converter...
In a scene that called to mind the Biggus Dickus skit from Monty Python, a Florida state representative reads "Anita Dick" and "Holden Hiscock" into the record on March 20, 2023. Florida state representative Will Robinson Jr. was tricked into reading the names 'Anita Dick' and 'Holden Hiscock' into the record during a committee meeting this week. Needless to say, Twitter found this to be the most important thing that happened this week, and we quite agree. It called to mind Bart Simpson calling...
March 24, 2023 –Today, in California Superior Court, a group of Los Angeles police officers as well as the union representing them, the Los Angeles Police Protective League, filed a lawsuit against the owner of the Killer Cops website demanding that it be taken down immediately. Late last week, the LAPD mistakenly released the pictures, names and work locations of over 9,000 officers, including those who work in sensitive assignments and undercover operations. "As a result of the LAPD's...
History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes. Old file photos have emerged showing the World War II Nazi leader visiting occupied Mariupol. Ukrainian historian Anton Gerashchenko points out on Twitter that like Russian president Vladimir Putin, Adolf Hitler once visited occupied Mariupol. "Another dictator also visited Mariupol once. We know how his story ended. Photo 📷: Hitler visiting Army Group South HQ at Mariupol, Ukraine in December 1941. Many historians and contemporaries claim that...
Beware the Ides of March. Three leaders or former leaders of major countries face indictment this week. Supporters of all 3 denounced the charges or threatened charges as politically inspired. Law professors from Jonathan Turley to Alan Dershowitz immediately condemned the New York State investigation and impending indictment of former US President Donald J. Trump. Trump himself announced that he would be "arrested" on Tuesday, March 21, 2023. CNN said they spoke to prosecutor Andrew Gage's...
2.22.23: At last night's meeting, the Santa Monica City Council discussed and provided direction on the implementation of the City's certified and fully compliant 6th Cycle Housing Element, according to a staff summary of the meeting. The council will continue the discussion on the implementation of the City's certified Housing Element on February 28, 2023. At the meeting last night, the council considered proposed amendments to Santa Monica's Land Use and Circulation Element (LUCE), Downtown...
There have been a lot of homeless people in Santa Monica for the last 30 years. But last Tuesday, the City of Santa Monica declared it an emergency. Like the City of LA and the County, Santa Monica has declared a state of emergency over homelessness. While some saw the move as political, others said it would allow the City to apply for funds from other sources, to combat the problem which has intensified in the last ten years. "It will amplify our request for federal aid, state aid, and county...
Note: This story was immediately shadow banned by Google search and big tech. Please share it on social media, thank you.-- SG The mainstream media is now reporting that the release of chemicals in the Ohio train wreck on February 3d was more serious than initially reported. Online conspiracy theories have postulated that the balloon stories of the last month, were an attempt by the major media sources to distract attention from the wreck and chemical release. Chemicals released included...
There have been five UFO's shot down by the US Government this week. I've never quite thought I would write that, but it's undeniably true. I, who have written so often about unidentified flying objects, am so stunned about what to say. So I'll just quote Reuters and the NYT, to prove to you how mad this moment is. Reuters: US Shoots Down Unidentified Cylindrical Object Over Canada. No, I didn't make up this headline. Nor did I make up this one: US Shoots Down Unidentified Flying Object Over...
February 2, 2023 - In a 32-page report dated January 26, 2023, the Affordable Homeownership Subcommittee of Santa Monica's Housing Commission outlined the compelling reasons the city should make urgent changes to prioritize home ownership rather than affordable renting. Affordable homeownership, rarely available in Santa Monica, reads the report, "uplifts those on lower incomes, enhances stability and multigenerational wealth and is a weapon against discrimination." The report points out that a...
Santa Monica, Ca. - Santa Monica City Councilmember Phil Brock has been appointed to the National League of Cities (NLC) 2023 Public Safety and Crime Prevention (PSCP) federal advocacy committee. Councilmember Brock was elected to a one-year term and will provide strategic direction and guidance for NLC's federal advocacy agenda and policy priorities on public safety issues, including law enforcement, municipal fire prevention, natural disaster preparedness, and homeland security. The...
Our picks for the top ten local stories of 2022 come mostly from politics, Santa Monica being a political town and last year being an election year. 1. Gas, water and power prices all went through the roof. At one point it was over $7 a gallon to fill up your car. Prices did go down a little after the election. 2. Homelessness: The homeless get blamed for every crime but are responsible in fact only for some crimes. And most of those are committed against other homeless people. But the number of...
December 2, 2022 - The California Secretary of State sent out 50,251 more ballots to alleged voters in Los Angeles County than the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder says there are registered voters. says there are 5,627,796 registered voters in the county. The Secretary of state at says that 5,678,047 vote-by-mail ballots were sent to the county. Before the Covid-19 lockdowns in 2020, citizens had to apply to receive a vote-by-mail ballot. Everyone else ne...
Chile--Cadem: Approval of President Gabriel Boric falls to 29% Faced with the query: "Regardless of your political position, do you approve or disapprove of the way Gabriel Boric is conducting his Government?", 63% of those surveyed stated that they disapprove of the President's management and 29% that they approve. In addition, 5% "neither approve nor disapprove" and 3% "don't know / don't answer...
Throughout major cities in China, crowds of people are marching and chanting for the Chinese Communist Party to resign. These are the biggest anti government demonstrations since the 1989 anti government demonstration. People are chanting “down with the Chinese Communist Party” and “step down Xi”, wrote Jennifer Zheng, a respected journalist based in Hong Kong. "This is happening in cities across the country. Something big is brewing." "Incredible scenes from China" writes Cuan Zhen....
November 17, 2022 - Santa Monica Measure GS, which would increase property transfer taxes on property over $8 million is squeaking ahead in the polls with 52.46% of the vote - only 1,431 votes - as of November 16. But the effects of the new tax could be large. Measure GS raises the tax from $6 per $1,000 of value to $56 per $1,000 of value. This is an increase of 833%. Critics of the measure say the burden of the new tax will fall largely on homeowners since there is no inflation mechanism in...
11.16.22-- A full 8 days after the US midterm elections, the Republicans have captured the House of Representatives. This according to the website, considered a reliable source of information about election results. The House of Representatives has 434 voting members. 217 is half of 434, and 218 is a majority. According to the website, the House now stands at 218 for the Republicans, 210 for the Democrats with 6 House races still too close to call. Nancy Pelosi, who has...
China's Hunger for Fish Increases in Latin America China's fishing activities from January to May 31, 2022, near the exclusive economic zones of Ecuador, Peru, and Argentina, were four times greater than those of all other countries combined that fish in the same areas, an investigative report from The New York Times indicated. In contrast, in all of 2021, the Chinese fishing fleet spent an equal...
Children, do you know what day it is? That's right, it's the day after the election. Gather round children, while I tell you a story about the most famous election of all, the one that saved the kingdom. The story involves magic, of course, and a famous wizard, the richest and wisest man in the whole kingdom. A genius among geniuses. A man who played chess while everyone else played checkers. In those days, the kingdom was ruled by Old King Joe, a seemingly kindly but rather senile old man. The...
Stan Greene may have been on to something. NBC News reports that there are many big questions in the Pelosi case. The NBC report says it is unclear what Pelosi and the suspect were doing in the house for the 30 minutes before SFPD arrived. It looks like our initial report about an acquaintanceship between Paul Pelosi and his attacker, David Depape, just might have had a little tiny bit of truth to it after all. And it looks like the media is trying to bury it. "NBC has removed this report from...
"If there was ever a senior-centric election cycle, it's this year's midterm elections; older Americans will win big or lose. It is critical that the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population, senior citizens, protect their rights, particularly their voting rights," says Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). To this end, she announces that AMAC, its AMAC Action advocacy team, and the AMAC Foundation have joined forces with The American Constitutional...