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November 9 - Many years ago I took out a second mortgage on my home. The house had grown in value and had at least $30,000 of equity. At that time, I had multiple reasons. The second mortgage added a second monthly payment to my already very tight budget. I made both the original payment and the second mortgage payment for a couple years until I was able to refinance both loans into a ten-year fixed interest rate loan. Fortunately, I was able to pay off the ten-year loan in about six years. Let...
You can lose about one pound a week if you try. If you don't try you won't lose any. If you need to save some money then you need to pay yourself first. If you have a paycheck coming in then set a goal for $500 a month if possible. Whatever the amount is will grow if you are faithful each week and month of setting money aside. You can always find a place to spend money. Even if you don't need it, you have it just in case you might. What do you want to accomplish in 2023? If you do not have a...
Award winning actress Kirstie Alley was diagnosed with cancer shortly before her untimely death at the young age of 71. Grammy award winning Celine Dion has recently been diagnosed with a neurological disease called Stiff Person Syndrome. The disease attacks about one in a million and is a very debilitating disease. She is 54 years old. Disease, death and bad news can attack anyone at any age and none of us are immune. Good news came to Britney Griner who spent 10 months in a Russian prison for...
Celebrate Mother's Day anyway you can but don't miss the opportunity to honor mom. The opportunities pass us by. While mom is alive is the time to do something for her. Too often someone dies and we want to make sure we attend their funeral and buy flowers. We talk about missed opportunities. While your special person is alive is the time to cherish and make a big deal about that person. Do what you can do. Mom's simply want to know you care. You could clean out the garage or clean the house....
This Christmas give somebody the gift of mercy and forgiveness. Be broad with your giving and generous. We all need a lot of both. For such a joyful holiday of cheer, giving and yuletide merriment there is much to be stressed about. Typically, people have been stressed about all the holiday parties, gatherings and Christmas scheduling. This year there is more stress related to sickness, masks, vaccinations, Omicron, natural disasters, filled hospitals, massive numbers of funerals and inflation....
On Saturday, October 2 I had to go to the hospital emergency room. The prior Tuesday I had an unusual leg spasm from my left thigh to my groin area. I've had pulled muscles from sports off and on and thought it was from exercise or just sitting weird in my recliner. By later Wednesday I noticed an occasional cough that felt strange. On Thursday I called my family doctor's office and reported I was coughing occasionally and didn't feel right. I was told by the receptionist, "We aren't seeing...
In 2020 over 64 million Americans were collecting Social Security. The National Institute for Retirement Security (NIRS)has reported that Social Security is the only income source for 40 percent of retirees over the age of 60." ( The study also claimed that only 6.8 percent of retirees receive income from the three-legged stool of Social Security, a defined benefit pension and a defined contribution plan. Another study conducted by researchers at the Social Security Administration,...
Prince Rogers Nelson is gone but will be forever remembered by his music. We are always struck hard when an icon suddenly departs from this life. Regardless of how and why Prince left us so suddenly, his fans mourn. Musicians leave a print on the earth. Elvis fans remember the moment and the very place they were when they first heard his death announced. Many of us will never forget the chilling news of John Lennon's assassination. Only recently we mourned the death of David Bowie and Merle...