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7/5/23: Tenants of Victor's Cleaning and Tailoring, Santa Monica Rubber Stamp, Crisp Imaging, Tibetan Arts and Santa Monica Guitar this week received notice that they must be out by August 15th, 2023. The one hundred year old structure is about to be demolished and replaced by density. Four stories of pack and stack apartments will replace the 1920's era, one story building with parking in back. Downtown Santa Monica has pretty much turned over and into block apartments which rent for $5000 a...
A-list actor Jonah Hill is being pilloried--and supported on Twitter--after his ex GF Sarah Brady leaked a text message Hill sent her in December 2021. The message says that he doesn't want to be in a relatiohsip with a woman who lacks self respect. And that the risque photos posted by Brady indicate a lack of self respect. "If you need surfing with men--boundless inappropriate friendships with men," Hill wrote Brady,"...friendships with women in inappropriate places.... I am not the right man...
Update 5:10 pm: SMPD tweeted: "The standoff in the 1200 block of Lincoln Boulevard has been resolved. Thank you for your patience as this individual was taken into custody without significant incident. Please wait for police and fire vehicles to leave before trying to enter the area.' July 9, 2023 - Santa Monica Police have barricaded Lincoln Boulevard and 9th Street between Arizona and Wilshire Boulevard because an individual has barricaded herself in her room at the American Motel and...