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May 18, 2022 - The city of Santa Monica prides itself on being environmentally sustainable. In fact, an entire division of the city is devoted to sustainability, where the government website states, "For more than 25 years, our mission has been to use the power of community to enhance our resources, prevent harm to the natural environment and human health, and benefit the social and economic well-being of the community for the sake of current and future generations." But when it comes to the...
May 18, 2022 - At a press conference today, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, who has presided over one of the highest increases in crime in the region, sought to educate the public regarding reducing gun violence. According the Association of Deputy District Attorneys, which has sued Gascon for violating state law, there were 859 people killed in the county during 2021. 687 of these deaths were the result of gun violence. Gascon began his tenure as district attorney by forbidding...
Ask Rusty – Will My Husband's Benefits Continue After He Dies? Dear Rusty: My husband is 65 and I am 55. He has recently been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. My question is, will I continue receiving his full social security check every month after his passing? Will the amount decrease? Signed: Tearful Wife Dear Tearful Wife: So sorry to hear of your husband's condition. If he is now receiving Social Security benefits, when he passes your husband's Social Security payments will stop. You...
5.18: Mash Gallery successfully opened it's new location doors this past weekend and hundreds of the Los Angeles art community were on hand to admire the stunning collection of works on display at the new 'Formless Form' exhibit. The much anticipated red carpet event was the place to be with crowds spilling out onto La Cienega Blvd for the duration of the four hour event. Gallery owner, Santa Monica resident, the stunning Haleh Mashian was the Queen Bee of the event and certainly looked like it...
May 19, 2022 - Covid-19 vaccines were relatively more efficacious in preventing transmission and death seven months ago than they are today although they were never very effective at preventing transmission of disease. Using publicly available data from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health it is possible to compare how the vaccines performed over the summer, when they were first widely available to how they have performed this past winter. Over the span of time between June 1,...
5.20.22: Friday, Amber Heard testified that during a three day series of events, Johnny Depp lost the tip of his finger. He also penetrated her with a bottle, and he took 8 or 10 MDMA pills. She even testified as to the make of the bottle, and produced a picture of it. This during re-cross examination by Johnny Depp's female attorney Camille Vasquez. "It was horrible what happened to me, yes," she said. This in March of 2015. Depp also smashed a wall mounted phone "to smithereens," while...
5.17.22: Physical education Teacher and former SamoHi Softball Coach Debbie Skaggs was presented with a Konolds Principal's award on Tuesday. The award was presented by Dr. Anthony Shelton, principal of Santa Monica High School, in recognition for 35 years of teaching and 27 years of coaching at Santa Monica high school. During her time at Samohi, Skaggs lead the girls to 12 league championships and 2 CIF titles. "Anyone that took PE with Skaggs knows it's one of the most enjoyable things you...