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WASHINGTON DC, March 8 -- Not long ago many of us greeted veterans and active-duty soldiers, sailors and marines with a heartfelt "thanks for your service." It made us feel good. But perhaps it should make us feel sad now that HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is reporting that there's been a 7.4% increase in veteran homelessness. According to the Epoch Times, it means that "nearly 13 percent of the homeless adult population are veterans." Yet, the newspaper notes,...
WASHINGTON, DC, Nov 11 -- The Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC] partnered with the American Constitutional Rights Union [ACRU] in a collaboration aimed at protecting the rights of senior citizens, particularly their voting rights. The ACRU's Executive Director, a retired U.S. Army veteran and former congressman, Lt. Col. Allen West, joined AMAC CEO, Rebecca Weber, in a recent interview on her Better For America podcast. The ACRU was established some 25 years ago, and its founding...
WASHINGTON, DC, -- Reading, writing, and arithmetic aren't the only lessons being taught in our public schools these days. In some schools -- too many of them across the country -- teachers have added transgender ideology to the curriculum, according to Moms for Liberty co-founder, Tiffany Justice. But Moms for Liberty is not just a place for moms; "Dads, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Friends" are all welcome and are urged to join in the defense of parental rights. Justice had a lot to say on...
WASHINGTON, DC, July 8 --The statistics show that a growing number of senior citizens are becoming tech savvy. Perhaps the isolation protocols of the pandemic have helped encourage the elderly set to accept computers as a means of keeping in touch with friends and relations and as a way to shop online. The FandomSpot website, focused on Internet content, recently conducted a survey of 1,000 computer users aged 65-plus and found that most of them, 76%, go online because it helps to stimulate...
WASHINGTON, DC, May 27 – Memorial Day is of great importance for those of us who lost friends and family members in armed conflicts. But it should also encompass the ranks of those who have even a milligram of remembrance of old friends and relatives who made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our country and our way of life. It defines us as loyal citizens of America who love the land of the free and the brave. Oh, yes, it is the unofficial beginning of summer and that's okay. Remembran...
WASHINGTON, DC, May 13 – The covid virus killed some 460,000 Americans last year, heart disease killed nearly 700,000 people in the U.S. in the same period. The fact is that heart attacks are the number one cause of death in America and throughout the world. So, the announcement that scientists are testing a way to prevent heart attacks with a single injection may sound like a life-saving game-changer, particularly for seniors over the age of 65 who, according to the National Institute on...
WASHINGTON, DC, May 6 – The isolation triggered by the pandemic has caused many seniors to re-evaluate their living conditions, particularly those who are living alone. "To be sure, the lack of nearby or live-in family members ranks high in considering a move to a more senior-friendly locale," according to Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. And Weber points out that the Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS] estimates there are currently some 10.6 million...
WASHINGTON, DC, Apr 15 – In the first decade of the last century a young German psychiatrist discovered a new disease. But it took the worldwide medical community some seven decades to fully acknowledge the devastating impact of Dr. Alois Alzheimer's diagnosis. As a result the "A-word" now has a particularly scary connotation for senior citizens. Perhaps it is because it is normal to experience memory loss as we age. But the news about the correlation between age and memory loss is not as bad...
WASHINGTON, DC, Dec 17 – Too many senior citizens come down with a case of Holiday Blues this time of the year. It's not a very "jolly" season – especially if you're old and living alone. The National Council on Aging [NCOA] estimates that 28% or more of folks in the 65-plus segment of the population live alone and while it can be tough on them each and every day, the holiday season is an especially rough reminder of their solitary lives. NCOA says that "Loneliness is more than an emotional...
WASHINGTON, DC, Dec 3 – Tis the season to be jolly and for seniors to beware of fraudsters who target the elderly this time of the year. What makes older folk more susceptible to becoming targets for scammers during the holiday season? The consensus is that the older we get the more charitable we become, says the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. The National Institutes of Health calls it "positivity bias." It's a condition that makes "older adults draw more positive affect from...
WASHINGTON, DC, Nov 26 -- More than six million Americans have been diagnosed as having Alzheimer's Disease and that number is growing at too fast a rate; the projection is that the numbers of Alzheimer's patients will more than double by 2050. According to the Alzheimer's Association, 11.2 million Americans are volunteer caregivers for loved ones with the disease. In fact, family members and friends account for 83% of all Alzheimer's caregivers. The pros are trained to know what to do, but...
WASHINGTON, DC, Nov 5 -- Modern medicine is helping America's elders live longer, healthier lives. But a segment of that population, those requiring special care at home and in specialized facilities built for the task, has been particularly hard hit by the COVID pandemic. They face a massive shortage of caregivers as home healthcare agencies, nursing homes, hospices and residential care communities find it harder and harder to attract workers, says Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of...
One man's agony: "I am 77 years old. I was happily married for 55 years but I lost my wife a year and a half ago. No, she didn't die. In fact, she is in great physical health-- except for her Alzheimer's Disease. She is in a Memory Care Facility. I see her a couple of times each week. Her confinement and my isolation have left me devastated. I love her and wake up each and every morning sad and abandoned." It's not easy growing old and alone, no matter the circumstances. And, while that man's...
It's not easy growing old. However, if you want to live to a ripe old age you have to work at it; you have to make a promise to yourself to take care of your mental health as well as your physical health. "The ability to grow as old as you can begins when you are young and healthy and continues long after you officially become a senior citizen. As we aged some of us traded in healthy lifestyles for easier, unhealthier routines. But it's never too late to make a commitment to turn things around,...
June 11 -- It is said that the flag of the United States was designed by Betsy Ross, a seamstress who lived in Philadelphia during the American Revolution. But, according to PBS, "some historians believe it was designed by New Jersey Congressman Francis Hopkinson and sewn by Philadelphia seamstress Betsy Ross." Whether it was Betsy Ross or Congressman Hopkins who designed the original Stars and Stripes, the Continental Congress, on June 14, 1777, adopted a resolution declaring that "the flag of...
WASHINGTON, DC, Jun 4 -- "Getting a good night's sleep comes highly recommended for the 50-plus population, particularly for the fastest growing segment of senior citizens, those over 65. In fact, it turns out that peaceful dozing overnight may not be enough for some seniors and that taking an afternoon nap may not only be good for toddlers, but can also be beneficial for seniors," according to Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. But, keep it short, says...
WAShINGTON, DC, Feb 26 – Online shopping has been a big winner as a result of the COVID crisis, spiking by triple digit percentages on a year-to-year basis, says the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. But it's had a harmful effect on physical shopping destinations and across the country malls are taking a beating. According to authoritative reports, more than half of the department stores in malls across the country will be shutting down in the months to come resulting in empty ma...
"We're not giving up on our efforts to eliminate the unfair income tax on Social Security benefits. The Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act is being reintroduced and the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC] will be doing what it takes to encourage lawmakers to support the measure," says Bob Carlstrom, president of AMAC Action, the association's senior advocacy affiliate. The original Social Security and tier 1 railroad retirement benefits were specifically exempted from income taxes...
Before there was a U.S. Space Force, there was a U.S. Air Force and before that there was the Army Air Corps and a genuine American hero by the name of Chuck Yeager. He passed away on December 7, Pearl Harbor Day, with not enough fanfare. Oh, there were news reports about his death at the age of 97, but not enough of a sendoff for someone who did what he did with his life. Perhaps it was because the COVID crisis was taking up so much of the media's time; or maybe it was because it's not in...
WASHINGTON, DC, Jan 29 – "If you believe in anything, believe in these four guys and the ultimate sacrifices they made for their country. They died saving the lives of hapless servicemen aboard a sinking troop carrier attacked at sea on February 3, 1943. They are the Four Chaplains and on Wednesday, February 3, a date set aside by Congress in their honor, we can pay homage to their selfless deed privately with a simple prayer of remembrance or publicly at multi-faith memorial services,"...
'Buck Rogers' weapons are becoming a reality, says AMAC WASHINGTON, DC, Dec 31 -- "No kidding, our troops are getting genuine ray guns to use against an enemy attack. They are not the kind that Buck Rogers had back in the day; they are sophisticated defensive laser weapons," reports the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. Lt. Gen. Paul Ostrowski recently revealed that by 2022 the Army will add a 50-kilowatt mobile laser weapon to its active duty arsenal. Ostrowski is the principal...
Feel-good stories are few and far between this Holiday Season due to the scourge of COVID-19 that has us locked down, safe-distancing and wearing masks. Whether your holiday of choice is Hannukah, Kwanzaa or Christmas, here are a few little uplifting events that occurred recently that just might lift your spirits: Winning $5,000 on a scratch card lottery bet makes you lucky; getting an unexpected gift of $5,000 is a truly heartwarming experience, especially this time of the year. Just ask Gianna...
WASHINGTON, DC, Dec 11 -- Here's a scary thought courtesy of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission: "China is the world's largest producer of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). The United States is heavily dependent on drugs that are either sourced from China or include APIs sourced from China. This is especially true for generic drugs, which comprise most prescriptions filled in the United States. Drug companies are not required to list the API country of origin on...
WASHINGTON, DC, Oct 14 - This year marks the 25th anniversary of Clarence Thomas' appointment to the Supreme Court and the National Museum of African American History and Culture, which opened last month in Washington, has seen fit to "honor" the jurist by completely ignoring the event and Thomas, himself. Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens, calls the museum's "snub" a deliberate insult. "What else can it be when a prestigious institution dedicated to telling...
WASHINGTON, DC, Sep 2 - There won't be an October surprise prior to the 2016 Presidential Elections, at least not as far as Obamacare is concerned, says Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens. "The cat's already out of the bag. In fact, Lamar Alexander, often described as one of the most responsible Senators sitting in Congress, says that when the 2017 enrollment period begins on November 1 - seven days before voters are to pick the next president of the United...