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If every child could get an early start by attending the most phenomenal preschool conceivable, our world would be the most magical place. Garden of Angels in Santa Monica has been a Godsend to our family. By not only offering a nurturing place for our daughter to spend her days while we work, what she has learned already before Kindergarten has far surpassed my wildest imagination. Most schools obviously teach the basics. Kids learn to share, clean up, tell time, their ABC's, reading and...
Scottish leading actress Erin Gavin was seen in full Marilyn Monroe getup as she posed for a photo shoot at The Starving Artists Project in Beverly Hills. Founded by renown photographer and philanthropist Michael Bezjian, the SAP supports up and coming artists who struggle to pay for new head shots etc. The SAP provides everything from hair, makeup, styling and has a stable of extremely talented photographers. major celebrities also drop by to support the creative charity that supports all...
You've seen the pictures. I've seen the pictures. The whole world has seen the pictures. And "the pictures" remain to this day the most requested images in the National Archives. What pictures, you may ask? Those taken on December 21, 1970, by White House photographer Ollie Atkins; when Elvis Presley met President Richard Nixon. Now, thanks to director Liza Johnson and screenwriters Hanala Sagal, Joey Sagal and Cary Elwes, culling from personal notes, recollections and interviews of the few...
Santa Monica College (SMC) is pleased to announce that CORA-a short film written and directed by SMC student Kevin Maxwell-has been accepted into The 19th American Pavilion Emerging Filmmaker Showcase at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival. SMC is one of only 4 U.S. film schools in competition in the "Student Short Films" category along with NYU Tisch School of the Arts, Chapman University and The School of Visual Arts. 23 short films and documentaries by emerging filmmakers from around the world...
Call it the vintage Comic Con! Last weekend saw thousands of SoCal residents flock to Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend, a three day festival of music, cars, and dancing is held annually at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Now in its nineteenth year, this festival of hepcat fun has grown to be the largest event of its type anywhere in the world. From polka dotted bikinis to greased back hair, pinup/rockabilly style is noteworthy for having shaped popular culture for decades....
Ted Cruz and John Kasich suddenly issued statements that they will cooperate Sunday night. For the first time, the second and third running candidates will coordinate in a desperate bid to keep the Republican Party's presidential nomination, out of the hands of first place runner Donald Trump. The two men issued statements saying they will divide their efforts in upcoming contests. Ted Cruz focus on Indiana, and Kasich will campaign in Oregon and New Mexico. The strategy is intended to deny...
SANTA MONICA TRAVEL & TOURISM HOSTS 7TH ANNUAL TRAVEL & TOURISM SUMMIT SMTT highlights robust tourism industry with 2015 tourism economic and fiscal impact summary SANTA MONICA, Calif. (May 3, 2016) - Santa Monica Travel & Tourism (SMTT) hosted over 250 members of the community at its 7th annual Travel & Tourism Summit today at Santa Monica's Museum of Flying. The event highlighted current figures on the economic benefits of tourism, the most recent updates to Santa Monica's...
For its 2016 Spring Showcase, Westside Ballet of Santa Monica presents an enchantingly diverse program, featuring excerpts from two of the world's most beloved ballets, Swan Lake and Giselle and reviving August Bournonville's spirited divertissements from Napoli. Among the highlights is George Balanchine's charming Harlequinade Pas de Deux, Sophie Monat's fiery new work Lift, set to music of John Adams, and the return of the jazz sensation Sweet Charity! The performances showcase the stars of...
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, the unlikely survivor of a once-crowded GOP presidential field, said Tuesday night that he was suspending his campaign to be his party's presidential candidate, which seems to end the contest over the 2016 Republican nomination. NBC News earlier in the night projected that Donald Trump would triumph in the Indiana GOP primary. Cruz was the only candidate to win multiple state victories against the real estate magnate, surviving a crowded field of experienced...
Sacramento – A measure, SB 1342, authored by Senator Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia) that would protect workers by paving the way for a statewide mechanism at the local level to fight wage theft, was approved today by the Senate Judiciary Committee on a bipartisan 6 to 0 vote. The bill now goes to the Senate Floor for consideration. "As counties and cities in California move to raise the minimum wage, we must ensure that our low-wage workers, who already face so many challenges, receive the pay that...
Pilgrim's Pride company has issued a wide scale recall of chicken products after consumers and federal meat inspectors found contamination by such foreign material as wood, plastic, rubber and metal. Only the cooked chicken products from the brand are affected. The recall of more than 4.5 million pounds of pre- cooked chicken products ordered Tuesday, expands a recall of almost 41,000 pounds of cooked chicken nugget products announced April 7. A statement from the U.S. Food Safety and...
Do Good Bus and Big Sunday joined forces on Valentine's Day to SPREAD THE LOVE (literally!) throughout the city. Big Sunday kicked off the Holiday by opening their doors to bus loads of volunteers who spent their morning hand- making Valentine's Day cards, candy-filled goodie bags, and the most thoughtful papier-mache flower bouquets that were sure to put a smile on even Scrooge's face. Do Good Bus, carrying 30+ volunteers of all ages, arrived shortly after the event began and boy, could we...